Name of organization or elected official and office you represent
If you are an org, who is filling out this form?
Did you give out "no on 131" lit?
If so, how much did you give out? Where did you give it out? Who did you give it to?
Did you or your organization include "no on 131" in your ballot guide?
If so, link the ballot guide below or email it to How did y'all spread the word about your ballot guide? Who saw it?
Did you include "no on 131" in your canvassing materials or conversations?
If so, what was the target audience? How did canvassing go on this issue?
Did you host/attend any events or debates that included Prop 131 education?
Is so, what events/debates? How was the "no on 131" message received? Who was in attendance?
Did you or your organization phonebank with "no on 131" messaging?
If so, who did those phonebanks target? How did they go?
Did you, your organization, or your volunteers submit LTEs?
If so, how many? How many of those got published? Please link to the published ones below or email them to
Did you or your organization send "no on 131" texts or ballot guide texts that included 131?
If so, who were the target audiences? How did the texts perform? When did they get sent out? Please send screenshots of the texts to
Did you or your organization run "no on 131" digital ads?
If so, who were the target audiences? What platforms were the ads on? How did they perform? What was the budget? Please link to the ads or send screenshots to
Describe your organic digital outreach.
What kinds of content did you or your organization publish (emails, social media posts, digital ballot guides, webpage, blog, videos, etc.)? Where did you publish your 131 outreach? What audiences did you target? Please link to your organic digital outreach materials. If you only have screenshots, you can send those to
Did your organization engage members, your board and/or partner organizations on taking a position on Prop 131?
List any partners and share insights from those processes.
Did Kent Thiry give your organization or your '24 campaigns money? If so, how much?
Given the time and financial constraints, what could the campaign/coalition have done better? What would you have done differently?
Do you or your organization plan on staying involved in our coalition?
As an organization or elected official, please share what you can about your 2025 legislative agenda/associated priorities